Members only

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Basic mentorship
$12 per month

We will guide you through your progress about a specific move, trick or transition you want to learn or improve.
You can send us 1 clip per month and we will give you feedbacks and exercises by chat and/or videos, you can also request 1 specific tutorial or video feedback per month that will be uploaded on our YouTube channel.

Guide you through 1 specific move
1 YouTube video request
Analize your progress
Give you feedback & tips
Access to the private chat on telegram
Access to the discord server
Intermediate mentorship
$52 per month

By choosing this tier you will get an individual training program based on your goals, that will be updated monthly, plus you will get all the benefits as the basic mentorship.
You can request 2 specific tutorials or video feedbacks per month that will be uploaded on our YouTube channel.

Monthly training program
Guide you through 1 specific move
2 YouTube videos request
Analize your progress
Give you feedback & tips
Access to the private chat on telegram
Access to the discord server
Advanced mentorship
$82 per month

By choosing this tier you will get access to the full mentorship plan.
You will get access to the feedbacks full time 7/7, you can request 3 specific tutorials or video feedbacks per month that will be uploaded on our YouTube channel plus you will get a powermoves video course.

Full time 7/7 mentorship
Monthly training program
3 YouTube videos request
Analize your progress
Give you feedback & tips
Access to the private chat on telegram
Access to the discord server